<p>Beet Sugar is a white, parsnip-like taproot which makes sugar through the process of photosynthesis in its leaves, then stored in its root.<br>It has a content of about 16% sugar, and goes through an extraction process that separates the sugar from the plant.<br>Unlike sugar cane, sugar beet can grow in temperate climates, and is therefore a more popular alternative to cane in Europe and North America.<br><br>White table Beet sugar comes from either sugarcane or sugar beets and is usually sold without its plant source clearly identified.<br>This is because—chemically speaking—the two products are identical.<br>Refined table sugar is pure, crystallized sucrose, much in the same way that pure salt is simply sodium chloride.<br>Sucrose is found naturally in honey, dates, and sugar maple sap, but it is most concentrated in sugarcane and sugar beets.<br>The refining process renders the original plant irrelevant as the sucrose is completely extracted from the plant that produced it.</p>